It Is A Rare Relationship When ...

Mardie & Peter...

First love & loyal confidantes of over 30 years...

It's a rare relationship when two people can just lose themselves within each other ....

Sort of takes your breathe away, doesn't it ?

For all the takers that surrounded Peter later in his life, there were some people who always cared for him throughout different parts of his life. Some of them were the lovely ladies who the family holds dearly ... some were the real friends who gave when others only took.

Peter loved nature, we would often take trips to beautiful places in the woods and spend the whole day exploring. He really loved the feeling of disappearing for the day and no one knowing where we were. This pic is from the renaissance fair, he loved to go there and go back in time, he said that this period in time made him feel "homesick". We would dress up and get into it as if we really lived in this time, eating turkey legs with our hands and all. Of course he would make turkey noises while eating, he was such a joker and always made me laugh. This is just one of hundreds of memories. He was not only my husband but my best friend. The most beautiful thing about Peter was he didn't realize how very special he was. – Donna


To the real friends and loves of Peter's life --

a heartfelt thank you for appreciating Peter

for the extraordinary soul that he was

and loving him despite his faults.